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The Circle R Brands team has proven nimble and efficient with an innate sense of creative daring and bold ambitious tone that unites everything. Our company’s endeavors reveal a deliberate emphasis on conscientious quality, conspicuous originality and meticulous attention to detail. 

What's so important about a brand name? 


Considering today’s overloaded multi-tasking consumer, choosing a powerfully compelling brand name and identity is essential to the success of any organization. Authors and brand positioning gurus Al Ries and Jack Trout said, "Naming is the single most important decision you will ever make." And there’s an old adage that's even more relevant today that says, “You must gain a share of the consumer mind before you gain a share of the consumer market.” Circle R Brands strength and distinction is in helping your customers see your company’s value in an instant – which is all the time you get to make a vital impression in this day and age! 


Our naming philosophy is grounded in the inherent power of familiarity, which most effectively communicates your company's value and difference in order to foster preference and purchase. We’ve pretty much cornered the market on “mnemonic” (memory aid) messaging: which is a buy-product of building on deeply embedded verbal and visual associations to leverage the power of a brand identity to the fullest. A “meme” is a self-explanatory message that communicates an idea and replicates by passing from one person to another verbally, visually or symbolically. A powerful brand name and/or tagline is a virulent meme, like a virus it spreads across the cultural mindscape on its own power. 


A brand is your customer’s emotional connection to whatever it is you're selling. With each interaction, you must deliver on two implied promises: you will meet the customer's needs and provide a positive experience. Such is the Holy Grail of naming: to make an emotional connection and begin the branding process in the consumers mind simply by way of your name since 85% of most decisions are emotional. 


A well-crafted name does the “heavy lifting” and gives you a head start in marketing and positioning your company. It is your single most powerful marketing tool and is especially critical for new businesses that have fewer resources to educate consumers and build market awareness. The fact is, the strongest brand names require the least amount of advertising…they are the advertising!


Fact: a great brand name saves money and makes money. And while there’s a cost to hiring a professional to name your business, the only thing more expensive than hiring a professional for your brand identity is hiring an amateur.



There are a few things to keep in mind when crafting a sustainable name that can be leveraged well into the future. Your brand name should be:


  1. Easy to say, easy to spell and pleasing to the ear. It should be strategic in sight and sound.

  2. One that exudes attitude and style.

  3. Memorable. It should stand out from others in the same market.

  4. Evocative of a core benefit or positioning. It should tell a story, conjure an image or make a promise. 

  5. Available: in your state and the U.S., and as a URL.

  6. Ownable: It should be available as a registered trademark. Trademarks are the fingerprints of commerce.

  7. Extensible. It should accommodate potential growth and expansion.

Copyright © 2025 Circle R Brands Brand Architects. All rights reserved. T: 248.584.0007

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