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Crafting creative, cohesive and coordinated messaging that exemplifies your brand throughout every corporate and consumer touchpoint is very much like a puzzle. Putting the pieces of that elaborate puzzle together to build not only a brand but a culture with the ultimate goal of driving mind share, market share and revenues is what we do best. But don’t take our word for it, the word of those for whom we’ve worked is our best advertising. 


The logo for speaks volumes, working on a multitude of levels to communicate the brand’s promise. The front and center “i” was deliberate. The “i” functions both as a person (the pupil) and as a door of opportunity that’s opening for the pupil, suggesting the intrinsic benefit of working with the program.


There’s also a quality of light that comes from the “i,” signifying that lights the way for students. When the icon is considered as a whole, it becomes a “thought bubble.” The ‘tail’ of the bubble (bottom of the “i”) originates from the brand itself—; the thought being that is the source of the advantage and the doors that will be opening for participating students.


We crafted the tagline, hired education™, to encapsulate the company’s mission to offer on-the-job education. 


The video to the left was created to present our original tagline and logo for The proposed tagline was, “Power to the Pupil.” In the final analysis the client decided they wanted less focus on the student and more on the broader objective of an internship. The new tagline, “Hired Education™,” was conceived, presented and accepted the very next day. Our nimble pace has always been our ace in the hole.

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AimHired was part of a national public relations strategy that took the Interships team (“AIMbassadors”) on the road via a Mobile Command Center to promote the brand and its mission on college campuses throughout the lower 48 states. This portable movement was aimed at blazing new trails and connecting with students where they are in a highly interactive, engaging, newsworthy and experiential manner. 


The logo showcased here for the TweetMyJobs™ brand shares many visual “memes” associated with the ubiquitous Twitter social networking site. Pictorially piggybacking on meaningful visual associations further reinforced the consumer-centric brand positioning of Some of the noteworthy memetic elements incorporated in the logo relate directly to Twitter and include: the talk box early graphic used by Twitter and a feather that evokes the Twitter bird icon as well as a “quill” that represents one of the earliest writing instruments used by civilization for communicating, similar to composing a tweet. 


Another significant visual meme we’ve employed applies to the tagline: Follow The Leader™. One of the key social functions of Twitter is to “Follow” other tweeters. And the universal Twitter marker for Following is the “plus” symbol. When considered altogether the logo speaks volumes for


The logo design for was unique in that it was designed for a three-dimensional form, and not two-dimensional, with larger-than-life van graphics and vibrant colors shown here that clearly pave the way for a company on the rise. Loaded with intention, this brand marketing vehicle is designed to be bold and buzzy with its “made-ya-look,” swagger. 


The deep, rich colors and elevated graphics used for this megaphone on wheels are unmistakable and unforgettable: the silhouetted roofer is clearly working on the pitched roofline, bringing his A game to this A frame in keeping with a company that’s ‘Up on Roofs,’ as the bright red tagline shouts from the rooftop. All in all, this is a brand that can’t and won’t be ignored. 


The indelible and memorable tagline we created, "We're Up on Roofs™" serves up a succinct statement that reinforces is not only a roofing company, but notably that they are a company at the forefront of roofing techniques, materials, and technology.


CareerArc Group

CareerArc Group builds on the power of one's network and your social networking communities. The interconnected arches illustrate the exponential power of piggybacking (defined as anything that operates in connection with or as part of another), as "No Man is an Island." Each of the arcs depicted in this icon represent a learning curve that once mastered lends itself to the next move forward. Finally, as CareerArc Group is an Internet-based group of career recruitment and search companies, the green arcs symbolize a go-to "community of like-minded companies based in the cloud." 


Our tagline for CareerArc, The Social Exceleration Network™, amplifies the positioning of this forward-thinking talent acquisition team.


BiASsess Strategies

The logo for BiASsess Strategies was designed to speak to the strategic underpinnings of the organization. This mark provides a visual clarity and contributes to the connectedness of the branding process and strategy of the brand.


The logo integrates a visual “meme” associated with the brain: incorporating the shape of and highlighting the “amygdala,” the part of the brain that has been reported with greatest frequency in studies of race attitudes, beliefs and social decision making. Key elements abstractly depicting neural connections and influences that play into hidden biases and their management are also graphically rendered. 


The OCTG Situation Report®

The logo crafted for The OCTG Situation Report® depicts inventory of oil country tubulars (casing and tubing products) as would be found stacked in yards. Reporting on North American OCTG inventories is one of the key differentiators of this leading global oilfield report. The new logo, freshly modernized with an air of familiarity, retained elements of the founder’s original logo. 

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Albom Radio Network 

The Albom Radio Network mark was created as part of a sales pitch by award-winning Detroit newspaper columnist, best-selling author, TV commentator and radio host Mitch Albom as he was preparing to embark on the national syndication of his local Detroit radio talk show. In keeping with Mitch’s personality, the mark was animated and filled with iconic radio references like the mic, the talk bubble and the symbol for a radio frequency signal. 

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