Look who's talking about Circle®Brands | Brand Architects

"Before you can gain a share of the consumer market, you must first gain a share of the consumer mind."

Our creative gears are always turning...
Circle R Brands is an idea-centric, integrated design firm that develops strategic brand identities, messaging and marketing solutions. Our dedicated band of brand architects are passionate about creating distinct brand, product and service names, taglines, slogans and logos.
Our strength and distinction is in helping customers see a company's value in an instant, and our naming philosophy is grounded in the inherent power of familiarity and repetition (known as the science of memetics), which effectively captures the consumers' attention and communicates your company's merit and difference to create preference and purchase. We subscribe to and incorporate the highly scientific, yet oft ignored, study of “human nature” and “common sense” to create powerful names, taglines, and visual identities that elicit instant brand resonance, memorability and top-of-mind awareness with your audience.
Our objective is to help you define and amplify your company’s meaningful differentiation in order to leverage remarkability and trigger an emotional engagement in the most cost effective way. The ultimate goal is to build and align a brand and a culture in order to drive mindshare, market share and revenues. Legendary management consultant Peter Drucker said, "because the purpose of a business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two and only two basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation create value, all the rest are costs."

Brand entities are brand strategies made manifest. The key to unleashing a powerful brand identity is in unlocking the essence of the brand strategy to best determine the basis for all the company’s branding initiatives and elements.
The brand identity solution is a shared endeavor between the company directors and the brand marketing company. Listening skills, common sense, consistency and creativity play equal roles in this process.
Our job is to become one with the brand strategy and execute an identity that best reflects the union of the goals that inhabit the overall brand experience.
While brand messaging doesn’t stand alone and can only be viewed as part of the whole, it is critical that all of the brand identity elements share the same messaging goals so as not to confuse the intended target market. To do this it is imperative that the reason the brand exists (or its intended reason for being) in consumers minds is identified.
Our job is to vigorously reinforce the brand strategy throughout all of its crucial identifiers: to be certain the message of each part of the brand identity is spoken in the same language and understood wherever it is presented.
Design is more than a graphic depiction, it’s a cohesive visual statement; an abstract concept made tangible. A great design brings the brand strategy to life: to marry form and function. It is what the consumer “looks for” when seeking to distinguish your brand from another.
A company’s logo may be the design of its name or it may be that along with an icon that further establishes the brand’s overarching message. If a company’s name is less than effective at relaying the brand’s imperatives an icon may help.
Our job in developing and crafting a recognizable representative or emblem for a company is to determine the best manner to communicate the brand’s story with continuity and clarity in every medium.
Consulting covers any number of opportunities and is expected to be finely-tuned and adapted to the needs of the client. Ultimately, any successful consulting outcome relies on our ability to listen and collaborate with a company to determine how best to develop and/or translate a company’s DNA into a brand promise that speaks to your target market’s heart and is consistent throughout all of the touchpoints of the brand.